ya i did pretty good yesterday with staying off the net or at least pick better times to go online. I need to continue improve my dinner time browsing. Last night helped, b/c i couldn't get online.
Now i did just check VS- E has logged in. and of course my first thought in my head is she is going to disapprove of the long time slots. why does my brain go there? why does it really matter if she doens't like it. the suggestion will either be change it & then Lysa will tell her that L picked the times or don't change it. The chances of her being able to help are pretty slim. So i need to remember i'm not catering the schedule to her. I also need to the sit on the feeling on wanting to email her & let her know i will accomdate & help her do shorten hours. NOT my job or place to throw that out there. If she wants that, she will ask. She is not someone to keep her mouth shut. Okay so deep breath. Don't check again until the PM. & let it go. you are not responsible for people committing to the schedule- you are responsible for setting it up in a easy to understand, quick to use manner. And that's what you have done. You can't control others schedules or their desire to help out. Let it go!!!!
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