Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i stayed unmotivated towards NAEYC yesterday.  The kids did a painting project & some other fun stuff...Casey had a high fever in the afternoon that took up the rest of my mental space.  thinking about him
mary is going to call my class parents today to tell by staff meeting everyone will know.  i wasn't ready...or so i thought...but i was so excited to share with several people yesterday

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

having a hard time being motivated today.  Coffee is not helping much.
maybe it's because the only project on my radar for work is NAEYC.  ugh naeyc.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

well with a quick turn of events...accelerated me towards staying at home.  I gave my notice this week.  It was a culmination of massive relief and OH SHIT what did i just do. 
we had a fab day yesterday, gives me confidence i can do this...we will see what the rainy day brings today...

Monday, April 4, 2011

current state of mind: frazzled but trying to breathe.  we purchased new windows this weekend & a garage door today. yikes!  We are now at 12,000 in newness for the house...but that's okay...or at least i am trying to accept that it will be okay.  i guess because i have been the driving force & approval behind everything, i am concerned that i left some cost out or under estimated our projects.
today after feeling like all i have done for the last month is purge & clean..decided on a whim to try out the schaumburg library.  it was a great time.  i focused on being in the moment & not trying to control everything.  we were there for about 2 hours.  it felt so relaxed.  it will be nice to be relaxed and go slower.  part of me almost feels guilty because it is going or should be a more laid back enjoyable life for us.