Monday, February 28, 2011

we began getting ready to make the 3rd bedroom.  it is going to be a long process....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Many people think that a cup overflowing is a good thing, and it is, if it is overflowing with love, peace and joy. This means you can ‘pour’ some of those feelings into the lives of others. However, if your cup is overflowing because you are so busy with STUFF, then can I make a suggestion?
Today, together, lets  take a good hard look at our cup and CHOOSE what to pour out?
i read this on Sunny Mummy yesterday.  It has been in my head stirring around...still thinking about it.

review day

My work review is coming up, it might even be today.  we discussed it already that it is too early to share my upcoming plans to leave.  This will be tricky to go into a review & share goals for the coming i am choosing to focus on goals for the next couple of months.  I fear that she will ask about pre-k and i will have to lie.  I don't like lying. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

quotes to reflect on...

If you kept a daily diary of how much time you spent DOING versus THINKING about doing… you’d soon notice something obvious: We think more than we do. If we extrapolate that with the 80/20 rule (that 80% of the value from anything comes from 20% of the activities, you’d probably notice that you spend 20% of your time DOING and 80% NOT DOING. Just think if you could reverse that — unbelievable productivity would abound!
I evaluated some of my own reasons why I procrastinate:
  • Fear. I’m afraid of tackling the big project because it is something intimidating, or that may cause change in my life. For instance, I might put off going to the doctor to check into a strange symptom because I’m worried about what she might find. So I put it off.
  • The unknown. I put off doing something because I don’t know what’s going to happen, or what the process is. Example (true story): I delay trying to schedule our time share because I don’t know how to do it — the whole thing is like a jumbled mess that I don’t know how to approach. Do I call my home resort first? Or call the exchange place? What’s my password? Where do I want to go next? As a result, I just let the days pass.
  • Overwhelm. Cleaning a drawer is no big deal… but cleaning my basement? OVERWHELM! So I put it off. And put it off.
  • Unpleasantness. Some tasks just go to the bottom of the to-do list because they’re boring, unpleasant, or just plain nasty. Think about cleaning the toilet. Or getting a mammogram. Or sharing bad news with someone… it’s just easier NOT to do it, so I don’t.

Many people think that a cup overflowing is a good thing, and it is, if it is overflowing with love, peace and joy. This means you can ‘pour’ some of those feelings into the lives of others. However, if your cup is overflowing because you are so busy with STUFF, then can I make a suggestion?
Today, together, lets  take a good hard look at our cup and CHOOSE what to pour out?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

we had such a nice day yesterday.  It was relatively mellow.  I sat on the next to casey & sorted paperwork, gutted the mailbox area.  It felt good to get control of some of the clutter.  I have been trying to create a peaceful home by the time Troy gets home...part of me is doing this as a trial run of SAH.  i know everyday won't be peaceful, but everyday shouldn't also be crazy! 
These are things i need to be aware of...if he is working out of the house & i am at home. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

it's the little conversations and things during the day that make me feel confident in my decision.  I know it sounds judgemental, it's not (well i try not to) i actually feel really sad for the things some of the parents are missing out on.  it doesn't matter what the specific are...i wonder if when i share stories of my family & choices if people are sad for me.  I wonder if they understand my passion for TK & how important i feel it is to share w/ my children the joy of volunteering & having a cause

the current battle in my head

there are 2 battles in my head, both revolve around money.  One is the construction project...this is not too time consuming.
the other is carlie's school.  even if we qualify for Leep, can we really afford the 3,000 needed to send carlie back to immanuel.  If we didn't & put her in pubic school, would we be able to afford a vacation or classes for the kids.
i need to NOT worry about this now...i need to focus on not spending money for the next 3 months...& worry about more relevant things.  there i said, stop worrying & be PREsent

Sunday, February 13, 2011

it is a good thing that i have decided to SAH, b/c we have since discovered we couldn't afford summer care for that's a bummer.  & now to me, it feels forced upon me to stay home.  Something that is provides me freedom to accept my choice & at the same time, something that makes me feel like i am suffocating. hm

Sunday, February 6, 2011

still haven't changed my hours...good thing i stopped worrying about getting everything accomplished (w/ new hour change).  Will have to talk to office this week & get some sort of answer.