Tuesday, May 31, 2011

last tuesday!  i can do this...i can do this...i'm going to try to not process what is going on ...like it this the last nap time i will do in Ch (at least for a while) just do it. process later!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday again.  once again i am met with dread & a case of the "not wanna go's".  I don't want to go to work...or i do want to see the adults but not do the work.  I'll admit it.  :)

I am also going to admit, i wish i could just mental checkout and be done...i'm sure there is a part of me that has done that already...and actually it's probably helping me to stay laid back and focus on nurturing vs curriculum.  but still i would love to not think of curriculmn today & just "hang out" with the kids...but i am already calculating the minimum number of projects i need to send home to make it appear that i haven't checked out & am still functioning as their teacher...
but i wish i didn't care about the parents opinion but i do....

Monday, May 16, 2011

such a whirlwind of emotions.  I realized last Wednesday that even though i have 9 days left at work, only 6 of them will be under my curriculum and teaching.
That i only need to have 6 days of worth of lessons/activities.  this was a bit shocking.  I had been feeling like 9 days was a long time. 
i can't decide if it is good that everything is changing...BH is changing directions, we are about to start the big migration of children, so even if i had stayed the room was about to change (phyiscally & group dynamic wise) the 3 big little girls are moving up...they have made parts of the day very enjoyable!  & 3 toddlers are moving in...don't know if or really how i would have handled 3 new littles.
the house is changing- this is a big one & right now we are in the throes of it.
the season is NOT changing, & that's probably helpful...making it not feel like summer is already here & blossoming.
Tv is even changing & although this is minute...as a lay in bed at night, i am reminded with each commercial that june is quickly approaching.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

almost there...12 work days after today.  beginning to close up "the room". working on the last bit of documentation & our world board.  Almost...just keep swimming.  The kids workbooks & map are beginning to arrive.  getting excited.