Saturday, February 4, 2012

i missed the boat on the last post. what i would like to tell her- is to shut the FUCK up - you were as "mother bear" as i am- But you were out of self pride- I am out of education and learning.  you were ignorant, a victim of a cycle of abusive parenting.  I have the advantages to an education & continued learning about the changing world.  You parented with BLINDERS.  I FEAR that one day I will parent with blinders- unable to accept help or advice.  That's some scary shit!  But you were so full of yourself (or too busy putting on the face) to ask for help.  YOu know mothers are not born knowing how to parent.  you did the best you could do.  you need to accept that.  BUT i can do better, don't you want me to parent better than you did?  don't you want your grandkids to be even better parents?  IS this part of the cycle of abuse, not being able to see beyond your experience for fear or pride?    please stop judging & making fun of me.  i am trying to learn & grow. 

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