Saturday, February 4, 2012

i think i need to just soak up these wririntg  and focus on how cn i feel confiednent in myself to not become her? i am saddned that our relationship is non
Hi Amanda- grr email.  I am glad to hear that it made you smile.  I didn't know if you would think i was "high" writing all kooky & warm/fuzzy!  But i did mean it!  Things i hope are slowly getting back to a different kind of normal.  Troy returns to CDW this friday.  He could really use prayers for his shaken confidence & these anxiety attacks.    listen- i know this is going to sound crazy & a bit too late- but i need to get this off my chest- the reason i didn't want Casey in the booster- had nothing to do with you, but i was worried that if i had said yes to you, that Kathi would take advantage of it next time the kids are with her.  She has had Carlie in the booster before, when i have asked her not to.  (granted troy was there & didn't say anything) but being a semi pussy, i just couldn't get the words out- i was trying to form them in my head into some humorous reply about -just b/c Amanda's such a safe driver- but they didn't come out.  even though I am sure (or at least hope) you haven't even thought about it more than once- it has really bothered me & i really wanted to tell you.  i hope if it bothered you, you would feel open to tell me.  She told me- in her drunkness- by poking fun at me. YAY! mother in law.   I know she is going to take great care of your boys, feel free to be very specific in your requests. besides i think we are meeting her at Lambs Farm (in kenosha) one day.  okay well i think i have convinced you on my crazyness now. 

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