Wednesday, January 12, 2011

so much work, non stop mondays

on monday i was sitting on the bathroom stool, finishing casey's shower.  & sighing about how much work there is to do in the house.  it was a moment of clarity, how could i possible thing i will be bored.  There is always something to do in the house.  I emailed an old high school buddy about her SAH schedule & regrets.  I wonder if she thought i was crazy...
so there will be moments of laziness...maybe i need to stop going, going, going & start appreciating these moments.
as i realized this past weekend, much of my home time right now is spent doing work stuff.
Here is my tentative plan for summer to manage both kids & house
Maybe look at cleaning M-W, lazy days thurs/friday
i would want to create some sort of cleaning schedule, so i can feel productive & not be cleaning the same thing over & over...
Swimming lessons

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