Thursday, January 13, 2011

new rules for survival

new rules for survival thrival...not sure that is a word..but here's my AHA moment.  it's a simple fact that if i want a top notch classroom, work is going to overflow into home.  it stinks but I for myself, need to do my personal best (gag) but it's's a huge motivator for me.
Anyways, since the work week is normally very long & overwhelming, i have started to do work on my off days.  No more. If work is going to be done at home.  it can only be done during my work week...i will include Monday evening (getting ready if necessary). 
otherwise i am using my mornings to read email, fb & google reader.  I can enjoy those things on my days off.  Maybe this will help me feel like i can have time off & focus on the kids. 

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