seriously experience massive anxiety this weekend. as all my insane & inane TO DO lists popped in my head. literally felt like i had been doing nothing for dayz, then POP a hundred things to do..some of the classroom related things as i went to complete them, i realized the absurdity of them...they have great intentions but really there is not enough time in the day ...and that's okay. I also realized that no one expects me to rise that high above things.
I also realized after re-reading my new fav Sunny Mummy article. that i had become outcome driven in my classroom. i do think BH encourages this behavior by giving us near impossible task list to complete between documentation, daily charts, WITW, early learner, & Naeyc...amongst basic classroom maintenance.
"Who said we have to ‘do’ all this?
Who led us to believe that unless we were producing, be it a clean house, clean children, or part time degrees for that matter, we are somehow not good enough?
Why are we so outcome driven? Is it because many of us worked prior to having children, is it because we are scared that if we stop long enough, we may realise that motherhood is not what we thought it would be and we have never stopped long enough, to allow ourselves to enJOY it?
When did doing something {motherhood included}, become about the outcome and ticking a box, rather than experiencing the joy of actually doing it?
What’s missing?
When we rush around being productive, we feel like we have accomplished something. That we have used our time wisely and seen to the ‘seemingly’ important things.
What happens though, to all those moments that occur or could have occurred, had we NOT been rushing?
I’ll tell you, they fade into the background like a support act you have no interest in, whilst you wait for the REAL ACT to begin.
Slowing down results in DOING LESS and doing it WELL.
Don’t allow the everyday moments with yourself and your family, become the supporting act when they can be front and centre, rocking it out on the main stage.
We need to give ourselves permission to build our days around what is important to us and whilst clean floors may be high on your list {I admit, it is on mine}, nothing should be higher than looking after YOU and your family, in a way that enables you to enJOY the process and feel peace rather than PACE!"
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