Tuesday, March 15, 2011

i am working on decluttering/purging.  i have never "nested" before with either child's arrival..but i finally get that nesting feeling...i feel like i am preparing for my new life...my life that is focused on my home...i am getting my house to feel like a home.  how am i doing this...
i am trying to remind myself" DO NOT FILL YOUR LIFE WITH STUFF...the more stuff the more stressed i get.  i think this is part of my issue with being home w/ the kids.  sometimes i feel like i am just turning my wheels on the ground...trying to be organzied & find stuff.
i think i am capable of being an orangized person ...finally.  this has taken a lot of time...but i have also realized that being the most organized person in the world, doesn't matter if i can't purge through items/or if there is still so much clutter.  i hink the paperwork file is a good example.  i have started to organize the paperwork to either be filed, placed in safe or sorted through...great intentions...but i can't keep up with it...there is just too much inthe way.  i guess that's it...there is too much stuff in the way.  I could find clean linens (cleaverly hidden in their pillow case) if i didn't have to step into the closet of dred.
i actually thing the clutter is more of a mental block than a physcial one.  i open the closet & feel like a failure...what is wrong w/ me that i can't keep this organized.  the clutter screams LOST priorities.  as in ...instead of spending an hour collectively on FB, i could take time to invest in my house making it a home. 
so there....i am trying to move forward with this...& every year i do this...but this year feels different, it feels fresh & RENEWED, inflicted with PURPOSE. 
It probalby helps that i have taken over the 2 house improvement projects.  i feel more responsible for the outcome of the house.  i am taking it very seriously as to what happens with the money put into the construction.  i even called my dad, after about 2 weeks deliberation, to ask for a loan.
so on the house front...i feel good.  now to just keep going

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