Monday, April 22, 2013

we are almost in the final stretch for the school year.  We are down to 30 plus days.
i've been thinking about how i want the mornings to look in summer

i feel our down falls are: not moving fast enough in the morning & wavering over decisions (where to go, what to do). this summer i need to be more decisive. 
summer maybe looks like this:

6am, wake to alarm
dogs walk 600-620
coffee/computer 620-700
exercise or clean 700-730
shower/dressed 730-800

Breakfast with the kids 800ish
Kids dressed (before breakfast?)- if so, need to get casey some food to snack on in room.

make decisions on plans, write it down if i need to.

Friday, April 5, 2013

I re-read my entries recently & felt discouraged by numbers of times I had written about the Internet sucking my time & life away BUT I realized today, I'm the least attached that I have been in years. I've dropped the car seat boards, dropped mothering (shudder) barely on Disboards,  I've been getting up early in the am & trying to walk away,
I will Amit o replacing some of my Internet scrolling with TV shows, but I can watch/listen to a show while making dinner or cleaning - the TV does not freeze my productivy. ,

Anyways I just shared this nugget on Ally's helpful & I realized I ave cone full circle, I really do mean this & are moving closer to supporting this ideal
Tracy Cook I say hold out as long as you can, I used to think kids needed technology (in classrooms & such) but the truth is: technology is so user friendly - kids pick it up extremely fast. Now I think kids need to be bored- boredom creates imagination. My kids need more unstructured playtime outside & less technology inside. as far as learning, I was in early childhood for 4 years- there are so many awesome, simple hands on ways to teach letters & numbers, ways that will bond you more & more with your kiddo. I wish I had held off & not introduced technology. Teacher tom's blog has sparked some of my newer thoughts on this subject.