Sunday, August 5, 2012

again i find myself wasting time & my valuable life being agitated.  i am reminding myself that life is too short to allow my emotions to be bossed around.

anyways, i can not control what other people do. i can ONLY control my emotions. I also can not waste my emotions on things i deem boundary violating. when the person it happened to doesn't feel the same way.  that's pure waste of time & energy on my part.

okay so i need to move forward, this person is not lamenting this morning about their selfish obxnious choice.  that's the whole reason i'm upset, is that they are so incredibly selfish. but a selfish person does not see themselves like that.
so i'm wasting precious emotions on this crazy person, when i should be spending the time with my son & maybe even using that frustration to clean my house.
i'm hoping after i write this i can release it.