Monday, November 25, 2013

some things on my TO DO List that shouldn't be there. (literally they are not TO DO's, but statements)

Bocca Evanston
space needed between object & macro lens
teen mother choices 
Dog cartoon website
NWCH dog therapy program

7 min solution
When pigcasso met Mootasie
Eat Pray Love
Maryann Malloy- club about art instutide mini rooms
the bride wore size 12
beyond expectations
intant mom
alfie kohen (grades /homework study)
carkl hassisan Bad Monkey

clutter is procrastination

of Ephesians 4:29 "...let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear

losing a friend.  so i think i've recently lost a friend.  I'm not sure if this person is intentionally pushing me away or just too busy for our friendship.  I suppose both are the same in thought but the of someone intentionally trying to push me away is sad.  i noticed my message and invitations to hang out are not being reciprocated.  The friend has time for other friends. 
i'm choosing to sit on it for now.  I've sent 2 text, a fb comment & an email that have been unanswered.  i will wait & either they will respond or not.  perhaps in decmemebr i will send a "thinking of you" message.  
i recently went to the dentist & driving around the shore area left a pit in my stomach.  I'm not exactly sure why- maybe it's b/c i know (even with my dad's inheritance) i will never be able to live on the shore. and i really do understand how much money it requires.  so falling short, makes me feel inadequate.  Part of me realized that all my talk about high school students being the big fish in their little sea is currently true for our family in our stature.